Studio Ghibli… a love affair

I don’t quite remember what made me watch the first film made by Studio Ghibli. But, I do know for certain that it started a love affair with Hayao Miyazaki’s work that will last a lifetime and hopefully will be passed down to my children as well!

So, rather than just watching his creations, I have decided that I am going to make each and every one of his characters as scaled models for my yet-to-be-born children. Now, that is a fantastic legacy to leave behind, eh?

To begin on that quest, I decided to make a model of Jiji, the adorable talking cat from Kiki’s delivery service.


And yes, if you want to make one for yourself, head to

and grab the 3d model, and print away!

I painted the eyes with enamel paint. It might be a good idea to seal the surface with some putty before painting.

Next character that I am going to attempt is Totoro! Will keep posting as I work on that.

Studio Ghibli… a love affair